One thing that I want you to think about this week is how to sell value — what you do for your clients in your fitness business that adds value to their experience. It’s more than just the workout. For many people, that’s all they sell – the workout. As you and I both know, there’s so much more that goes into it. Is it the atmosphere that you provide? Is it the ongoing support? Is it the accountability? Do you provide water? Do you provide towels? Do you provide air conditioning, weights? Whatever it is that you provide, you’ve got to understand all of the different value options that you have for your clients and sell what you provide. If it comes down to the workouts, they can go work out on their own. They don’t have to pay you anything to do that.
Value is extremely important because not every prospect is going to value everything that you have to offer. You really have to ask those detailed questions in the consultation to figure out what it is that they value the most. When you do that, you can tailor the presentation to provide the value that is going to get them to their goals the fastest way possible. How can anybody say no to that?
Not only that, but it differentiates you from the person down the street that’s providing workouts. It provides differentiation from going online and buying a workout online. It gets you more value in the marketplace, and therefore, you can charge more for your services because you’re worth more, aren’t you? That, my friends, is going to get you to the point where you can start to build your business and then hire employees. You can have process procedures so that everybody understands how to sell on value and provide that value. That’s the other piece of it. Obviously, you sell on value, but you have to deliver it as well. That’s kind of a no-brainer, but there are people that don’t have brains, as I’ve come to learn in the many years that I have been doing this.
I hope you understand how to create value and that starts to get the wheels turning in your head about all the different values that you provide to your clients. What I want you to do this week is write down everything that you have that provides value. Send me an email at If you’re on Facebook, just send me a chat. I would love to hear from you.