You’re helping people all the time and as the flight attendant says on the airplane, “Put your oxygen mask first before helping others.” That is critical in everything that you do. One way of doing that as a business owner is to ask for help. Find a coach or a mentor, somebody that’s been there done it before and can help you see a way out. A coach knows you, has a relationship with you, and can give you advice and back you up.
Look at the forest instead of that tree right in front of you and you find different solutions to the problem. You absolutely need lots of options to finally come up with a solution.
For many people I’ve coached, the first couple months increased their revenue, doubled it or even to 20%, which is pretty incredible. They go through the process of understanding the bigger picture. As operators, we see just a couple things and a coach can help you move through the process and find different solutions and get you pulled out of that loop that might be going on in your head.
The other little tip that I want to give you today is to be a mentor. You may be thinking, “Why would I? I’m struggling with my business, anyway. Why would I want to be a coach or a mentor?” Because giving back is very fulfilling. Even if you’re doing for Junior Achievement or helping kids in an entrepreneur project.
You can give back to the community and hone your skills as a mentor. When I started coaching, my business got better because I was giving advice to people and I was like, “Oh, that’s really good advice. Maybe I should be doing that too.” If you ever talk to my coach, she’ll tell you that. I do that all the time.
I have a coach and all the best entrepreneurs out there have coaches. If you don’t have a coach or a mentor, go get one because it’s so important to take you to the next level. I would love to talk to you about it and see if we’re a good fit to work together. If we are, that’s great. If not, I can always refer you to some other folks that are doing great things.
I want to throw a plug for the Master Your Business Workshop that’s coming up in October in Houston. You need to register for that because there will be eight business entrepreneurs speaking about different topics to move your business forward. It’s one thing to talk about topics but, it’s another thing to actually do the work while on-site with the expert in the room. As each expert is talking about a topic, you’ll be learning and doing the work there.
For instance, I’m going to be working on process improvement in your client experience. So, we’ll actually detail out each aspect of the business you want to focus on and create scripts. We’re going to create a process. We’re going to create freedom for you so that you’ll have confidence that the process and procedures that you’ve put in place are actually being followed. That gives you freedom but, it also gives you profit.
So, check out and sign up right now because it’s going to sell out and I can’t wait to see you here in October.
But until next time, don’t be a stranger. Come visit me on social media, Tom Jacobs on Facebook. Come to Let’s interact. Let’s see what I can do to help you out. Love to chat with you soon. Take care and have a great week.