
How To Reduce Anxiety of Public Speaking 

 April 4, 2019

By  Tom Jackobs


A common problem all speakers battle are nerves.  Fear of Public Speaking is the biggest fear of so many people.   

It’s really kind of irrational, because we aren’t going to die … are we?

Maybe you’ve been in that situation before.

I know I certainly have, and it can be very distracting. It can be very limiting.

If Public Speaking is the number one fear then many people aren’t doing it.  And in my experience it is one of the best ways to build a business.

When you can channel that fear and turn it into excitement, now you’re going to really impress your audience with all of your knowledge.  And they won’t be distracted by your nervousness.


There’s a couple of very simple things that you can do to make sure that you control that Fear Of Public Speaking.

Still, to this day, I get “nervous” and “fearful” of public speaking, and I use quotes because those are the feelings most people associate with public speaking. You know you get those butterflies in the stomach, the heart beating, and all that.

Those are the same physiological responses for EXCITEMENT too!

I’ve been able to reprogram my mind to take that “nervous” feeling and associate it with excitement because it’s the same physiological experience.   The heart is racing fast, you have butterflies in your stomach, and adrenaline is rushing around. That’s excitement to me, and I’m excited to share my message with tons of people. Whether that’s in front of the camera or it’s in front of a crowd, that is excitement to me.

It took a while to actually reprogram myself where I’m not nervous but rather excited. That is the first tip you need to do if you get really anxious about public speaking.

Reprogram yourself and say, “Hey, this isn’t nerves. This is excitement, and I’m excited to share my message.”

The second simple tip, and you’ve probably heard this over, and over, and over again, but it’s worth repeating over, and over, and over again, PREPARE.

If you are prepared to give your talk, and you’ve rehearsed it and you know exactly what to say, when to say it, how to say it then you won’t be as nervous.

When you’re prepared you are less likely to worry about the small stuff.

Your presentation is going to roll off your tongue and you’re not going to be worried about missing something or not going in the right order or worse completely flubbing and forgetting what you were going to say in the first place!

Preparation is absolutely the key to a great presentation, then reprogramming your mind to think about nerves as excitement.

I’m excited to give my message to the world, and you should be too.

That’s not nerves, that’s excitement … and then, preparation.

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All of this advice is part of my full program Dramatic Impact Story Academy.  If you’d like to chat about how to become a better Public Speaker either on stage or on camera then please schedule an Impact Call at no cost here:  www.TomJackobs.Com/Impact

Tom Jackobs

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