
Selling From Stage: How to Get Leads From Public Speaking 

 February 23, 2023

By  Tom Jackobs

Check out my video for clever tips on how you can easily and elegantly collect email addresses from them. And here’s the ultimate connection – reach out through a call today, I’m excited as ever to hear what story your tribe has to offer!

Have you ever felt that twinge of excitement at the thought of selling from the stage? As a solopreneur, you know there’s something powerful in that quick burst of energy that comes from presenting your best work, idea, or product to a large crowd. However, following up on those high-energy lead opportunities can feel daunting—especially when it comes time to convert them into customers. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to transform these fleeting public engagements into long-term relationships and repeat customer sales through an effective post-presentation plan. So if you’re ready to move past stage fright and get leads rolling in with ease, then read on as we discuss how selling from the stage can open the door for true success.

From the Podium to Your Inbox

When you take the stage and start spreading your message, what better way can there be to stay in touch with those inspired by your talk? Collecting email addresses can be simple. Build relationships post-talk and keep helping people grow. It’ll only enhance how much impact you make on their lives.

One of my favorite topics is public speaking and, ultimately, selling from the stage. Really, the only reason you would do public speaking is to build your business and brand.

For many of us, public speaking can be a dilemma when it comes to determining how best to involve the audience. We often just want to pass on the information and leave our listeners with some kind of actionable outcome, but how? Instead of simply giving facts, ask yourself: What’s the next move? Consider ways you could prompt engagement from your audience that will enhance their experience and ultimately lead them somewhere.

Is it a good idea to get new clients by doing public speaking?

Yes, that is ideal. But how do you get people’s email addresses so you can market to them further?

Always Make People’s Lives Easier

One thing that works well is to thank people when they arrive.My presentation isn’t just about me talking; it’s an interactive experience. To ensure everyone is able to participate, I provide a package of my notes and accompanying slide deck so that they can focus on the content without having to worry about taking down their own information. And who knows? Maybe they’ll even pick up some insight into my personal story while at it.

“At the end of the presentation, you can get all of those. “All you need to do is scan this QR code, give me your email address, and I’ll email that over to you.” This is what I would typically say.

Isn’t this a very simple and, in my opinion, fairly elegant way of getting people to give you their email addresses? If you think about it, it’s not just that you’re not asking for it. You give some value to them by giving them your email address. This will be about them trusting that you won’t spam them or give their email address to anyone else.

Your Call to Action 

Now that your audience is engaged, you can guide them along the path to success. Through a series of emails designed for education and encouragement, help foster an open dialogue that puts those potential customers one step closer to taking action, whether it’s booking a call with you or downloading something free—it could even mean purchasing your product. Remember to keep conversations flowing and get better results.

Every time that you do a presentation, whether it’s to one person or to a thousand people, it’s really important that you gather their information so that you can further market to them.

Thanks for reading! By now, you should understand how critical it is that you make your sales pitch from the stage. It’s not about features and benefits, but about making people’s lives easier. And if you can do that quickly and effectively, with a strong call to action, you’ll be on your way to closing more deals. If this article has resonated with you and you want to learn more about how to improve your sales process, schedule an impact call with me. I’ll be able to give you tailored advice based on my experience selling from the stage. Thanks again for reading, and best of luck in all your future endeavors!Ready to take your business success up a notch? Let’s schedule an impact call and explore all the possibilities. I’ll equip you with strategies that are sure to get your venture where it needs to be, so we can reach new heights together! Schedule an impact call with me today so we can continue this conversation over the phone, and find out how it could help your business grow.

Tom Jackobs

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