
Balancing Passion and Profit with Dr. James Cima 

 July 4, 2024

By  Tom Jackobs

🎧Join Dr. James Cima in this inspiring episode—a veteran chiropractor practicing in Palm Beach Garden since 1980. Dr. Cima shares his journey from struggling student to successful business owner, emphasizing the importance of passion, purpose, and patient care in building a heart-led business. He discusses hiring strategies, staff engagement, and combining traditional and functional medicine to offer comprehensive patient care. Dr. Cima also provides valuable life advice on choosing the right profession, spouse, and living location to achieve happiness and success.

🌟Embark on an empowering journey with Dr. Cima and learn valuable lessons on passion, patient care, and holistic wellness!🌿

Key Takeaways from this Episode:

  • The significance of a compassionate, patient-centered approach.
  • A personal journey from childhood back pain to becoming a chiropractor.
  • The evolution of his practice in Palm Beach since 1980.
  • Integration of traditional chiropractic methods with functional medicine.
  • The importance of a supportive healthcare team.
  • Professional insights and his three pillars of fulfillment

About the Guest

Dr. James Cima, D.C., has transformed lives since 1980 as a chiropractic pioneer in Palm Beach Gardens. Inspired by personal experience, he received his Bachelor of Science from Cornell University, graduated with honors from New York Chiropractic College, and founded PGA Chiropractic. A dedicated educator at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Florida and a prolific author, Dr. Cima continues to innovate in health and wellness, touching thousands with his holistic approach.

Inspired by Dr. Cima’s wisdom? Be sure to visit his websites, to learn more about his practices and obtain a free PDF of his books. Let’s get on this transformative journey together.

Connect with Dr. James Cima today.

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Explore the Dialogue’s Treasures into the profound wisdom woven throughout the conversation. Check out below for transcription:

Speaker: 0:01
Welcome to the Heart Led Business Show, where compassion meets commerce and leaders lead with love. Join your host, Tom Jackobs, as he delves into the insightful conversations with visionary business leaders who defy the status quo, putting humanity first and profit second. From heartfelt strategies to inspiring stories, this podcast is your compass in the world of conscious capitalism. So buckle up and let’s go. Let your heart guide your business journey.

Tom: 0:36
Welcome back everybody to the Heart Led Business Show. I am really excited to have a veteran chiropractor on the show today. Dr. Cima has been practicing in Palm Beach Garden since 1980. He holds a bachelor of science from Cornell university and was also taught at Palmer college of chiropractic in Florida. So we’re super excited to have Dr. Cima here because clearly he’s had experience leading a business with heart and also making a profit along the way as well. So welcome to the show, Dr. Cima.

Dr. James: 1:08
Thanks, Tom. I really appreciate this.

Tom: 1:10
Awesome. The first question I always like to ask is what’s your definition of a heart led business?

Dr. James: 1:16
You really have to love what it is that you’re doing. If you don’t love it, it’s going to it’s going to become a job. And after that, it’s just going to be something that you just get up every morning. You just go to work and you just come back and you just, after a while, you just don’t care. But if you have a real good purpose for going into that particular profession or business or whatever it is that you want to do that’s the key. I remember when I first got into chiropractic school I had a real bad back as a kid, and it would get so bad that I couldn’t stand up. And it would be, for a few days and I would get better and then we’d come back, we’d get better and come back. And then I was introduced to chiropractic. And once I was introduced and I started to realize wow, this can help people with back pain. That was really exciting because when you suffer with a problem and you’re looking for a solution, this is a great solution. And it was something that, got me really interested. I got so interested that I decided to become a chiropractor because I felt that if you could, if they could help me and the pain that I was in, I said that if I can do that for other people, I would love it. One story I’d like to share with you, because this will explain to you what’s going on, is I was treating this elderly couple. I didn’t really even know them. I didn’t even know how I even, got their names. But I had to drive 30 miles to the house. Now I’m a senior in college. I’m not, I don’t have any money. And I drive out there and I work on, it’s a husband and wife. They’re probably in their late 60s, early 70s at the time. And so I come back the next week. And they’re waiting at the front door for me, like, all excited you can’t believe how much better I feel and all the rest. So I worked on them, I started driving home, and as I was driving home, I was like such a great feeling to help people. And I said, you know what? I said, one day I want to get paid for doing this. I didn’t even enter my mind until I said, that’s going to be the icing on the cake. I can help people and they’re going to pay me for this. This’ll be great. Because I would even do it for free because that’s, to me, that was the reality of the situation. When I was in school, I was just a sponge. I just want to learn everything and anything. And so I decided to, as I was going through school, I want to be the best doctor I can possibly be. So as a, maybe within the last year I was graduating from chiropractic school, there was a quote from Thomas Edison about the doctor of the future. He said, doctor of the future will prescribe no medication, but will interest his patients in diet, care of the human frame and the cause and prevention of disease. And I said, that’s what I want to be. I said, but there’s no book. There’s no course. So I had to create the book and the course and everything else like that to create and then try to be something that’s, it’s in the future. This is not it’s not like I know I got, I have a roadmap, with as far as diet and all the rest of the stuff goes, but there’s so much information about nutrition. There’s so much information about health to sift through all that stuff. It took decades to really do that. As you’re going through, you learn, you think you know a lot and you’re getting more experience, but every like decade you feel like, nah, I didn’t know nowhere near as much as I know now, and it just kept on going and going. It’s really when your purpose, your desire, your drive is like whatever business you’re in, it’s going to be successful. I don’t care who you are, what you are. That’s the way it’s going to be. It’s a driving force. It just, it gets you up in the morning. It’s like with you too, okay, doing your podcast. Thank you for allowing me to come an hour earlier. Because I had patience. And so I know that these are things that drive you too. You’re excited about this. You love what you’re doing. Otherwise you wouldn’t do it. It’s not a question of Oh, I have to have a boss, tell me what to do. It’s no, you’re the boss, you do it. And that’s, what’s going to get your business really going. And I know one thing when patients with me, it’s patients, when patients know that you really care. That’s you can’t, there’s no price on that. They just, they love it. They’ll come in, they’ll refer their friends. And that’s the way you’ll build a business. You’ll build a business on relationships with your patients, in my particular case, and a lot of them become, friends as time goes on, friends, family, because they’ve just been working with them, some for decades. So it’s a nice experience to talk to people, work with people and give them something that they can’t get. And in most other places, it’s hard to, it’s hard to appreciate your health when you don’t have it. And when you can offer that back to a patient and they really respond with that’s that’s just the icing on the cake. That just makes everything enjoyable. And so I, that’s the way with all my, with my patients in that way, especially with your staff, a lot of people don’t treat staff well. My staff. And I, we love each other. It’s the best way. A lot of times when patients leave Google reviews, they don’t talk about me. They talk about my staff. They go, Oh, his staff is fantastic. But what about me? But it’s that’s what they really and that’s what I really like too. So our staff is we have, I think somewhere around 30 people right now between doctors and just general staff for insurance and, with, Therapists and all the rest, but everybody cares about everybody. Everybody gets along. There’s a few quabbles here and there, but it’s a team. It’s a team effort. And everybody works as a team. Nobody slacks off. And the minute somebody slacks, I don’t have to say anything. Somebody will say something too. So it’s that’s the way it’ll be. And everybody like just says, listen, we have to like, we want to work with the best, be the best. And that’s the way we want to be. And help everybody we can. And the more I keep that going, and now I have my son and my daughter in the, and my, my daughter in law, she’s in charge of the, she’s an esthetician, so we do a lot of beauty stuff and the wrinkles and the facial stuff. So we do the beauty as well as the health. And we also, we’re integrative. We have medical doctors, we have an osteopath, we have a doctor of physical therapy, so it’s like an integrative situation, because I think that’s the best way to go with it. The health care of this country in the future, that’s the way it’s going to be going. And that’s the way we’re looking at it, we’re looking at, look, we need traditional medicine for certain instances, we need functional medicine for others. But it’s something where if you can give the patient the choice, the option to like, you choose, whatever you want to do. You can always go for surgery, you can always do drugs, you can always do the functional, it’s what you want to do. And whatever you, what it is that you want to do, we’ll be happy to do it for you. And we always have a team. So if I’m going to send you to Dr. Erin, the medical doctor, she’s going to prescribe maybe a medication or whatever, but at least I know what she’s doing. And she knows one thing. So it’s like a nice communication, that you don’t have, you have a gap usually when you’re speaking to physicians that aren’t even in your office, it’s tough to even speak to them.

Tom: 7:59
Yeah. Yeah. So one thing I want to go back on just a little bit obviously you were, you went to Cornell university. Was the idea to go into chiropractic at that time or was it because of the bad back?

Dr. James: 8:13
It was basically, I was a pre-vet major. that was, yeah, that was another thing that I’ll tell you a little quick story about that one, because it, it’s when people think that you can’t do certain things, it’s really what you think that really makes it happen. So when I was graduating co high school, my grades were like, c. C minus, D plus, maybe C plus. And so when I went to, my mother said I want you to go to college. I said, ma, I’m not sure if I want to go. She goes, no, let’s go talk to your grade advisor and see what he says. So I go to my grade advisor, a nice Italian man, and he’s sitting there. He goes, so what can I do for you? So my mother says, I want my son to go to college. The Vietnam War is, raging at this particular point. I’m going if I don’t, if I don’t go to college. So the my the, my the patient, not the patient at the time, but it, my grade advisor says to me, he goes, okay, let me look at your grades. So he looks at my grades and he looks at me, he goes, Mrs. Cima, Your son’s not college material. So she goes, I don’t care. Why don’t we go to college? So he goes to me, he goes, what do you like? And at the time I was like, I was into hunting, fishing. I loved animals. I loved, nature and everything else like that. I can name all different kinds of birds and I understood everything about wildlife and everything. So did you want to be a vet? I said, that sounds like a good idea. So we decided to, so now he goes in, he’s rifling through these file cabinets. There was no computers back then. He’s rifling through. Finally, he pulls out a fold. He goes, there’s one college you might be able to get into. I said, he says an agricultural school is out in the island. It’s a two year school. He goes, if you can take this aptitude test and pass it, then you’ll be able to get in. So I took the test. I didn’t even know how I passed it, but I did pass it. And I was now I’m going to college. And I said, you know what? I said, Tom, I said, I’m not going to just stay here. Stay there and just, just be a typical student. I’m going to be the best I can be. That’s when I start to really change. So I went from there in two year school. I matriculated then to Cornell University and I graduated in the top 25 percent of my class and, not bad for a guy that wasn’t college material. But I believed in myself.

Tom: 10:22
And what was that shift then was it because your mom was adamant about it and then you started to bring that or what

Dr. James: 10:30
Yeah. No, once I got into the college, I was like, that’s it. I just, I made a complete change. I started to create study habits. I started to study a lot. I started to want to get, really top grades and I would just work harder and harder. Then when I matriculated to Cornell. Now you’re in the class. You know when you were in your class and there was one brain in the class, one Cornell, everybody was a brain. So it wasn’t, that’s your competition was. So I’d be studying for hours for, they call them prelims, and I’d spend 15 20 hours for just one test to wind up getting like a B minus or a B plus because that’s how hard everything was up there. And they love to give you, I mean we take tests, the average in the class of two, 300 people in physics, I think was 33. You know how depressing that is to get a 3300. They graded it up to a B minus, don’t get me wrong, but it’s I thought I was spawning. So it really, it was a real shift in just the way I thought. And that’s what you’ll, that’s going to happen in life. When you are doing the right thing, it’s going to shift and you’re going to go, you’re going to just go, just right, as hard as you can go, as strong as you can go and as fast as you can go, and you’re just going to keep on going.

Tom: 11:42
That’s a great, that’s a great story of personal determination and aptitude as well. See, obviously you always had it in you. It’s just, it wasn’t being,

Dr. James: 11:51
yeah, it wasn’t, but when I go back and I look back at my life, whatever I was really interested in, I went a hundred percent. And so in, in school, my early years in school, I wasn’t really there was no direction for me to go. There wasn’t really anything I really liked. I liked science. That was about the one class I did like throughout, all my school years. But other than that, I just didn’t really like school. So I didn’t really, it wasn’t that I was like, I wasn’t a bad student. I wasn’t, I’d cut up and, create any kind of problems in class. But it was something where it was like I just, didn’t really want to do much. I was I don’t know, just laid back and just let things go as they should go until I got into college and I totally changed it.

Tom: 12:33
That’s great. So going, shifting forward now to you’ve started a business, you’ve started your chiropractic business and it’s, how was the trajectory of it? Was it always, rainbows and butterflies or were there some ups and downs along the way?

Dr. James: 12:49
No, there’s always ups and downs and it’s the that’s what keeps you going. If you really love what you’re doing. and you have really a good team with you, you’ll have the ups and downs. And, but the, the downs are like, okay, you can’t appreciate the ups if you don’t have the downs. That’s the way I look at it. So it’s always good. And it’s my wife is still in the practice with it. She runs the finances on my side. And it’s I got to deal with her all the time. It’s Oh, there’s no money. There’s this, there’s that. I said, relax. It’s always, there’s always changing in our business. It’s you’re like when the insurance money comes in, it could be large amounts. And then sometimes it may not be. So it’s, it does fluctuate. So for certain months, she’ll get a little bit nervous. And it’s don’t worry about it. Everything is fine. It’s going to always do that. That’s business. That’s the way our business runs. It’s been doing this for, 44, 45 years now. So it’s not there’s nothing new. I see everything. I know when months are going to be fairly slow and I know what you have to do to get those months to boost them up. And that’s what you need to do, but you always need to keep an eye on the business, I do more with the patients. My, my thing is I care for the patients. I don’t like to do the business stuff. In fact, I’m really out of the business stuff in my office right now. My son does it all. He wanted to do it. I was like, okay, you can do it. And you know what? He now realizes how tough it is. And me and he’ll say things and he goes, yeah, dad, I know you were right with this and I should have listened. And, but he’s really great as far as that goes. So he’s running there. Now he’s even helping his friends and he’s helping with the doctors in the office and, God bless him because he’s taken all practice to another level. He’s integrated the practice with the doctors and the estheticians and all the rest. That was his. And we also do IVs in the office right now for vitamin and mineral EDTA and chelating agents. And so we do a lot of different things for health and wellness. So it’s, and he’s introduced all these other extraneous things into the practice, which I was, I never did before.

Tom: 14:52
So how do you lead the team then to have that carried attitude and be like you almost in terms of, patient first, and really instill in them like your own values, like what’s the secret sauce?

Dr. James: 15:06
Usually what we don’t try to change anybody. We find the person that we’re looking for that has that caring, especially like that. We work with a lot of therapists and they do a lot more work on the patients than even I do. And so they’re with the patient. Let’s say a patient comes in for a half hour visit. They’re with the patient for 25 minutes. I’m with the patient for five minutes. When they when they leave the, any treatment room, I will always ask the patient, how do you feel? How’s everything going? How’d the therapist do? And they just, they’ll tell me, oh, it was great. It was fantastic. I loved it. And so that now I know my patients, are getting good care. But when we hire the therapist, Those are things that we do before we even go anywhere. We have them work on us. We tell them like this is the kind of office. This is, and they see the whole staff gelling. And the good thing about this Tom is when you get that, the whole majority of the staff, like together, when the new one comes in, They don’t let them get away with anything. And then the new one just comes right in, right into the fold and realizes, okay, this is great. This is where I want to be. And we very rarely ever fire anybody. It’s they want to leave because they have a, let’s say they have a better opportunity somewhere else where they’re leaving the state or whatever it is. And they’re not leaving because they want to leave. They’re leaving because it wasn’t a bad place for them to be. It’s now they have a better opportunity somewhere else. And that’s what we want. We want them to understand that when they come in, if you feel you need to be somewhere else to go somewhere else, I will be very happy for you or anything, any letter of recommendation that you want. We’ll give you, so that’s, we start with a good rapport and we end with a good rapport.

Tom: 16:43
That’s great. So what is it part of the interview process where you’re selecting, like what part of the, are they interviewing with everybody on the team so that they understand or not everybody on the team, but

Dr. James: 16:56
they’ll do is let’s say if we’re going to hire somebody for the front desk we have the office manager. So what I might wind up doing is writing up exactly all the qualifications that I want. And the qualifications more, not so much than do you have a degree is, this office represents people who really care about our patients and really, patient focused. And if you want an opportunity we say, this is what we’re looking for. And then let’s see if you feel. That’s what we do. So we give them the opportunity and we tell them it’s a great place to work. And, they know what they’re going to get paid, with the bonuses structure is going to be. And then when the office manager meets with them, then she’ll have them maybe meet with my son or me, depending on who’s involved more with. with that particular person. And then they’ll also meet the remainder of, let’s say, they’re going to be on the front desk. They’ll also meet all the front desk girls and they’ll know exactly what the front desk will be doing. They’ll be trained for two or three weeks properly. And then they’ll let loose on the front desk. Same thing with the therapist. I’ll get the therapist, I’ll train them. The therapist, I train pretty much all of them. Cause I want them to do the same work that I do and I want everybody to be really doing the same consistent works at this, because doing this for 50 years, what works, what doesn’t work. So I can tell them like, do this 20 percent right here and you’ll get 80 percent of your results. So do these things first. The patient will start to feel better. If they don’t, we can always do other things, but just do these basic things first. And then you’re going to get 90 percent of people well, just by doing that. And so they learn that they love it. They, and then I work on them, they work on me and I get treated every week. I just get worked on because I want, I can’t tell my patients to do this if I don’t do it and that’s what keeps it like, and pain free and all the rest. And then they see how much we care and we know when they’re hurting, I work on them. It’s like, they know that we care about them. If they, we have with, within my office, I have a health club, more for our patients and stuff, so during lunchtime, we have half the staff has come in the train, so they’re all working, they’re all eating, they’re all like, working together. So they not only like work together and, as far as staff goes, but then when they’re working out, they’re working out, with each other and it’s just a lot of fun to have them all coming in here. They make a lot of noise. Difficult with me and some of my patients. I have to tell them, keep it down to a dull roar, but it’s, I love to see that. They’re helping each other. They’re working with nutrition. They get treated. They love it. And then they refer to, and it’s because of them. You get a lot of, you get, we get a lot of referrals and with the therapists too, a lot of the massage therapists we tell them, you say, listen, if you want to work at some, with some of these patients, if they want you to work with them at their house, then that’s yours, you, they’ll pay directly. So it’s a nice way for them to have their own little business on the side, and then also make a certain amount of money every week, so it’s constant. And then they got the extra money on the side from the therapy and the massage, the things that they do outside the office. And they get a lot of the patients doing that, because the patients get worked on, they feel great, they want to just continue on getting massage work. Some of them rather say I’d rather just have it at my house for an hour. It’s fine. It’s okay.

Tom: 20:13
It really is a testament to putting people first, whether it’s the patient or the staff and kind of what I’ve gotten from what you’ve said is when you put the people first, the profits will follow because clearly it worked well for you. Being in business for 40 plus years.

Dr. James: 20:30
I can tell you, I had, I had insurance girls for years. They’d tell me, Dr. Cim, you’re giving too much stuff away. You’re giving too much stuff away. You should be billing this. You should be charging that. And I’d say, relax, don’t worry about it. We’re doing good. We’re making money. Everybody’s happy. Yeah, I can nickel and dime people to death, but that’s not me. I don’t want to do that. So it’s it’s your health. To me, Tom, the reality is if you give somebody back their health and I’m not talking about like I had, no, I got a crick in my neck. I’m talking about a person that had sciatica. They can’t walk. They can’t do anything. Doctors recommending surgery and you get these people up and walking and exercising and stuff. It’s What is that worth? Okay, insurance will pay this. It’s no, if you said to the person, look, if I get rid of your pain, how much would you pay me? If you’re a millionaires, I’d give you 100, 000 to get me out of pain because I can’t golf. I can’t do crap anyway. It’s no, no sense having money. If I can’t enjoy it, I can’t enjoy my life. And that’s what I see a lot. I see, people. The pain of the health condition is ruining their life. And at that particular point, they’ve got to do something. And that’s what they want to do. And unfortunately I’m trying to educate people to, take care of themselves, get ahead of the curve, not behind the eight ball. So you can’t wait until you’re sick and diseased. You got to do something before that happens. And, but in our society today, they’re not taught that. They taught that, ah, you’re okay, you don’t have to do anything. Do some exercise, eat right, whatever that means, because most people don’t know, or exercise, whatever that means, nobody knows. And just, and so they just say I’m doing that. And then they’re having all kinds of problems and issues and everything is getting worse. And then they’re getting their cholesterols going up, or their sugar’s going up, or their blood pressure is going up, and they’re starting to be put on medication. And it’s just, spiral. Downward spiral from there. So they hit 50, 60. They started medications 60 to 70. Those decades pretty tough. 70, 80 it’s really tough because in 70, 80 now I’m seeing a lot of my friends dying. Okay. Just, Billy had a heart attack or this one had cancer. And it’s just, I see this happen. And I said, and even my friends that are alive, they’re not like, it’s not like a happy, they’re not like, they’re worried about like their overall health and their life. So it’s something that I’m trying, I’m looking, I’m not even trying anymore. I’m promoting health and wellness to like, that’s the only way to live. You can’t live any other way unless you don’t want to live for a long time. I know people out there, they die at 40, they’re buried at 70, but most people don’t want to live. The way they can because of their health. It’s when you start losing your health, you start losing your desire to live and your desire to do anything. Do you know what the most productive decade is in a person’s life? 50 and 60. You know what the most next productive, years in a person’s life are? 70 to 80. Really? And the only way you can do it at 70, 80, you got to be healthy. Yeah. Yeah. It’s just the second most productive decade of your life. If you’re healthy, if you’re not, it’s, you’re going to be, thinking about, dying and, going to doctors and going to the hospital.

Tom: 23:39
It’s funny that you say that because, I’m thinking my mother in particular she’s now 84 and is going to school to get her doctorate in theology at 80, at 84. Yes.

Dr. James: 23:53
That’s But that’s what creates, that’s what makes people want to live longer. They’re inspired by something. They have a purpose. They just, it’s like it’s in them. It’s, it’s inspiration. It’s just, it comes from what, actually it comes from God. But the it’s, when you have that inspiration in you, it’s like nothing stops you. Not your age, not, Yeah, nothing’s going to stop you. And that’s, what’s going to keep you, your mom going. I, my daughter went to a dentist for one of my grandkids. And the dentist was like about, he used to get into the sixties. His mother was working there. She was 90. So my daughter said to the son, she says, when are you going, when are you going to, when are you going to retire? He goes it depends on when my mother wants to retire. she was like 90. And she was happy go lucky. And my daughter was like thrilled with it. She was like a sweetheart. And it wasn’t like you would expect a 90 year old person to be like. So it was really great to see that. And I see that all the time. I see when people have a will to live. They live and they just don’t like, they live life to the fullest and that’s what everybody should be doing. It shouldn’t be like, and everybody complains about it. And there’s the other thing too, everybody complains about everything, whether it’s politics and at this particular point, it’s like, just love what you do. Do the best you can possibly do to everybody out there, and that’s your sphere of influence. And just don’t, everything else will happen. Everything will come together. Nothing’s gonna, the whole world’s not gonna come to an end, no matter who says it is and what’s gonna happen. Ice age is coming, whatever is happening, it doesn’t matter. You just live for today, with one eye on the future, and just make sure that you’re just loving and being happy and doing what you love to do today. And it’ll just inspire you to get up tomorrow morning and do the same thing. So when I was writing my books, I didn’t, I wrote a lot of books. When I was writing one of my books, it was about chemical blood chemistry. It was like almost 800 pages. And it was really, I went really deep into biochemistry, nutrition, cellular physiology. And so it was like, Biochemistry and laboratory diagnosis. So I’m writing this stuff. I’m going into real minutiae detail. So I’d get up sometimes at two o’clock in the morning because I’d have a thought in my mind and I’d say, I got to write this down because I’d forget it. So I’d go and I’d get on the computer and it’d be on there for an hour and a half, two hours until I finished it, then go back to sleep. And I did that. I don’t know how many nights because I just felt like I got to do this. I got to do it. So it gets you up at night, gets you up in the morning and gets you going. And it’s getting up in the morning, it might be a little bit sluggish, but within minutes you’re like, okay, I’m ready to go. That’s the way you want it.

Tom: 26:32
Clearly you’re a living example of living life to the fullest and putting your health first and all that. And I certainly appreciate you coming on the show and sharing that wisdom with the audience. And a lot of the audience are other heart led business owners. And a lot of times we can’t see the future for, we don’t see the forest for the trees because of what. Issues might be going on in the business right now. So thank you for those words of advice. How can people learn a little bit more about you or maybe get one of your books as well?

Dr. James: 27:05
They can go to I have two websites. We have CIMA HEALTH, cimahealth.com. And you can get the all the information about the practice right there. You can go to CIMAFunctionalMedicine, CIMA, F And A And right on there, you can get my books. You can get the PDF Books for it’s free. Okay. What you gotta do is sign up and you’ll get the PDF book itself. If you want to buy the book, you can get that, on Amazon. I’m not even sure exactly what the fee is right now for it, but you can go to any one of those two sites and, probably get the book from CIMA Functional Medicine definitely. And the CIMA Health will tell you a lot more about what it is that we do. We’re located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. In fact, the reason why I came to Florida to is really because I said, this would be a great move to improve my health. Because living up in, in, The Northeast, and it’s always cold in the wintertime. Back then there was the gyms that you have today and all the rest. So you couldn’t really exercise all the time. And the lifestyle wasn’t as great. Come down to Florida with the ocean, the sun, and, being at the beach all the time. It’s just the healing factors of the ocean and the beach with the vitamin D from the sunlight. It’s it’s balances the adrenal glands, the pineal. It’s like you go to the beach, you like lay down and you just want to go to sleep. It just like washes away all the negativity and anger if you want it that way. So it’s, oh, the other thing too, I’d say as far as business goes just, I think there’s three real things that a person needs to do. Number one, they have to, pick a profession that they really love. Okay. Then they, if find a mate that’s perfect for you and then find a place that you really, truly want to live. Okay. If you do those three things, you’ll be a happy camper. If you don’t love what you do, you’re going to be miserable. You marry the wrong spouse, you’re going to be miserable. If you live in the wrong place, you’re going to be miserable. But you get those three things going and it’s ah, this is pretty nice. And most people would say, don’t work with your wife. I do. Okay? We get on each other’s nerves, don’t get me wrong, but it’s it’s fun. I, at least I know when she’s working in my office that she’s got my back. And same thing with my daughter, same thing with my son, same thing with my daughter in law. We all have each other’s back. And, we’ll tell each other off, don’t get me wrong. But we’ll just, and we know it’s, we do it because we love each other. It’s not because, we’re trying to create animosity and things like that. Those are the things. If you can find that, that real true love, that real true passion. And then find that real true love and real true passion as a spouse. And then being where you want to be. Being in Florida, when I first came down here, I was a little depressed because I was a little homesick. And so now January comes, you go back to the holidays, and that was a big scare. Scaring with my friends, having a great time. Coming back here, I’m getting depressed. So I said to myself, I get up the next morning, I look out the window, sunny, clear blue sky, 80 degrees. Get up the next day, sunny, clear blue sky, 80 degrees. By the fifth day, I said there were more days, more nice days in a week than I get in New York in a year. I said, this is where I want to live. This is perfect. And then I was able to exercise all the time more consistently, especially outdoor stuff. Everything is outdoor over here, so you can really enjoy it. Whether it’s jogging, playing tennis, playing golf, swimming, surfing, diving, as you have it all. It’s just, you’re picking ditches and love what you do. And that’s it.

Tom: 30:34
That is golden advice, and we will definitely highlight that as well. Yeah. So the three things to live a long, healthy, happy life there. So Dr. Cima, thank you so much for coming on the show. And sharing your words of advice and wisdom. I really appreciate it and really appreciate you.

Dr. James: 30:55
Thank you. I appreciate you too.

Tom: 30:56
And as a reminder to our listeners, if you would do what other considerate and great listeners do, and that is give us a rating and review and share the podcast with other people that could use the advice that Dr. Cima shared with us today, we would certainly appreciate that. And until next time, lead with your heart.

Speaker 2: 31:17
You’ve been listening to the Heart Led Business Show, hosted by Tom Jackobs. Join us next time for another inspiring journey into the heart of business.

Tom Jackobs

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