
Know Thy Market! 

 August 3, 2016

By  Tom Jackobs

know thy marketI know who my market is. It’s fitness trainers who want to build a business, who want a studio, who want to grow more than what you have right now. That is who I’m talking to, those business operators that want to become business owners, so that you can live the dream lifestyle that you ultimately do deserve, right? You deserve it. So knowing that target market, I am involved in a franchise. One of my businesses is a Delta Life fitness franchise. The franchise has done a fantastic job of defining who our target market is and I’m going to use them as an example. They’ve done a very good job of doing this. That example person is called Delta Dayna. Delta Dayna is the combination of all the attributes of our ideal client, so that when we do marketing, we can know exactly what the pain points are. We can know exactly where she lives, how much she makes, and we could create targeted marketing just to her. So if we do that, who do you think is going to join? That exact profile of that person. Plus, when we get really, really laser-focused on that one person, then we get rid of all the clutter out there. The people that fit the demographic, if the message resonates with them, they pick up the phone and they call, or they go to the website, enter the details and they show up at the facility, and they take a class. That is exactly the reaction that we want.

So if we do that, who do you think is going to join? That exact profile of that person. Plus, when we get really, really laser-focused on that one person, then we get rid of all the clutter out there. The people that fit the demographic, or maybe outside of the demographic, just a little bit, but if the message resonates with them and they pick up the phone and they call, or they go to the website, enter the details and they show up at the facility, and they take a class, that is exactly the reaction that we want.

You need to know who your market is so that you can target them perfectly. We’ve talked about creating forms and surveying your current clients. I want you to take those surveys and create what we call an avatar, or a make-believe person. You can give them a name as well. That is your target market, your ideal client. Give them a name, give them a personality. Where do they like to shop? What kind of car do they drive? Then you can write copy, email, newsletters, Facebook ads. You are doing that, right? You should target exactly the demographics of your example customer. If you’re not doing that, or you’re just doing a spray of your advertisement in a shotgun approach, you might hit a few, but chances are you’re spending a lot of money and not reaching the type of client that you want to work with.

That’s really the key in doing design work. If you’re brand new to business, you get to design who you want to work with. You can actually create this make-believe character and put it all together and if it doesn’t make sense, you can talk to some friends and family, and perhaps people that fit that demographic, and see if the personality you created fits. Then you go get them. That’s how beautiful it can be.When you design it exactly how you want it, that’s what’s going to happen.

Know thy customer. Know thy market. Know who you want to serve. Make sure that you’re creating those avatars. If you need help with that, please connect with me at tom@tomjackobs.com. Love to chat with you about your business and how I can help support you in growing from just being a solopreneur – I heard that recently, I liked it, or a one-man show into creating an organization so that you can have some freedom for yourself.

Tom Jackobs

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