So this week we’re talking about solving problems in your business. I’m not talking about problems in your business, but the problems that you are solving for your clientele because that is what they are buying from you a — solution to a problem. And you need to be crystal clear when you are doing all of your marketing to answer that problem so there is now a solution. There is a great saying out there, without problems there are no solutions and without solutions, it’s virtually impossible to establish value, and if you don’t have a problem to solve then nobody’s buying anything from you. Why would they? There’s no solution, so it’s just empty air.
I always suggest that you ask your clientele why they came in the first place. What was the problem that they were looking to solve? Was it weight loss? Was it injury? Was it nutrition? Then you solve the problem for them. Understand, in their words, why they’re coming to you. Then you can craft great messaging around the problem and build a solution.
Start with your sales process. When people come in, ask what’s the problem? Then you can refine that message. You can begin messaging exactly the problem you are solving and people will come because you are talking their language. I hope that made sense. Talk about what the problem is and how you are going to solve it. People want to know it can be solved. They’re not going to know that unless you tell them that what the problem is.
It’s a little circular now that I think about it, but step one, start with asking your clients why they came to you in the first place. Then you can get the messaging absolutely clear, because once you do that, you’ll be able to attract the right type of clients. The sales process becomes a lot easier when that happens.
That’s my little tip for you this week. I’d like to answer your questions so go ahead and send me an email at tom@tomjackobs.comv if you have a question or a problem that you’d like to solve. I’m happy to address that here or on the phone with you privately if that is better suited for you. So until next week, have a great one.