
More Leads 

 April 10, 2018

By  Tom Jackobs

In any business, generating leads is a top priority. Chances are you’re probably getting the right number of leads in, but having a problem converting those leads into prospects. Over the course of many years of working with thousands of entrepreneurs, I found that this is typically the case.

How do you convert those leads into prospects?


When I started my personal training business I was working out in someone else’s gym. I was renting space, and I was getting leads on my own, but I also had a full-time day job.  Maybe you’re reading this and thinking this is YOU.


You get that phone call while you’re training someone, and you can’t answer the phone. You let it go to voicemail, and then you have every good intention to call them back as soon as you’re done training, but it’s now nine o’clock at night. Who wants us to call them back at nine o’clock at night when they may be in bed or winding down for the evening. Then, you’re up at four or five o’clock in the morning training others again and then you go to your day job. You may have a lunch break where you call them back, but of course, they’re having lunch as well, so they don’t answer your phone call. Maybe later you have a break in the afternoon and you try calling them again. It’s like it’s a constant battle trying to get that person on the phone, or they’re returning your phone call, and now you’re playing phone tag, and never connecting with them. After one or two tries, you just give up.


Does that sound familiar? I know it was working like that for me, and it was very frustrating because I was trying to grow my business so I could go out on my own. All these people were calling and I was unable to convert them. I wasn’t even able to meet them in person to actually convert them into clients.

That’s the problem, but here’s one solution: Texting


Texting is pretty amazing in that it has a very, very high open rate and a lot of people like to text rather than talk on the phone nowadays. I don’t know about you, but I certainly respond better to text messages than I do to voicemail. Text your leads and say, “Hey, I’d love to connect with you. When would be a good time to call?” You want to set up a call still because if you’re trying to get people to purchase a program or a product that is a high ticket, it’s hard to do that over texting. You definitely want to get them on the phone and then set up a schedule or meet them in person. If you do seem to get a better response from texting with that potential prospect, definitely use the texting back and forth and then schedule that meeting. Very, very, very important.

Most likely you’re not having a leads problem, you’re actually having a conversion problem. If this is the case,  the first question I would ask is “Am I responding to the leads that I’m actually getting?” Definitely look at that first and then ask yourself  “Am I actually having a leads problem?” Because most likely you don’t have a leads problem, you have a conversion problem.


Download Tom’s Business Freedom Checklist: www.TomJackobs.com/freedom  and learn what you need to do to create freedom in your business.

Tom Jackobs

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