
Stage Selling Success 

 September 3, 2024

By  Tom Jackobs

What if I told you that 75% of speakers are missing out on closing deals effectively from the stage?🎤 The real challenge isn’t just delivering a talk; it’s transforming that talk into a revenue-generating machine. I was once part of that 75%, struggling to make the sale, but then I unlocked the secrets to stage success and sold $4 million in coaching programs in just two years!

Today, we’re diving into the ultimate power move: mastering the art of selling from the stage. If you’re ready to turn your talks into a profit-generating powerhouse, you’re in the right place. Let’s get into it!

From Crickets to Cash

Why do so many struggle with selling from the stage? The biggest hurdle is the fear of rejection. I remember my first attempt at this—standing before 60 people, delivering my talk, and then going into a pitch… and hearing crickets. It was a rough start, but with some coaching and tweaking, I turned things around. The next time, with just 10 people in the room, all 10 bought. It was a dramatic turnaround from zero to hero, all thanks to refining my approach and overcoming that initial fear.

Raise Your Hand, Raise Your Sales

Here’s a tip many miss but is crucial for closing sales: keep your audience engaged throughout your presentation. Simple interactions like asking them to raise their hands can make a big difference. If you get them used to raising their hands during your talk, they’ll be more likely to do so when you make your offer. This subtle programming helps make your call to action more effective.

Avoiding the Awkward Close

A common struggle for speakers is what to say during the crucial closing moment. Many freeze or become insecure, which can make the audience uncomfortable. I saw this firsthand with Jordan Belfort in London—his pitch was awkward and resulted in a lot of people leaving. A smooth transition and strong close are essential to avoiding such pitfalls and maximizing your sales potential.

Objection? No Problem

Handling objections on stage can be tricky. Instead of waiting for them to pop up, address common objections throughout your presentation. This way, when you reach the closing phase, your audience will already have their concerns resolved, making it easier for you to make a seamless pitch and enroll more people.

Striking the Balance

Balancing value and persuasion is another challenge. You want to provide enough value to build trust but not so much that your audience feels they don’t need your program. Offer them the “what” they need to do and then show them how to do it with your paid program. This strategy keeps them engaged and eager to learn more through your offering.

The Power Trio

Let’s talk strategy: storytelling, audience connection, and a clear call-to-action are key. Share stories to connect with your audience, make eye contact, and build rapport. When it’s time to close, be clear and compelling. Invite them to join your program or have a call to discuss their needs. A strong call to action makes all the difference.

Confidence is Key

Finally, confidence is your secret weapon. Walk onto the stage with conviction, and your audience will follow your lead. Confidence in your delivery makes your message more persuasive. As Brian Tracy says, “Speak with confidence and conviction, and the audience will believe in your message.”

Selling from the stage involves a mix of storytelling, connection, and confidence. Implement these strategies, and you’ll see a dramatic increase in your effectiveness and profits. It’s transformed my career, and I’m confident it can do the same for you.

If you haven’t embraced storytelling in your sales strategy, now’s the perfect moment to dive in. It’s simpler than you might imagine, and I’ve got just the tool to help you hit the ground running: The Storybook. Grab your free copy at https://tomjackobs.com/storybook/ and start weaving your captivating narratives today.

I invite you to dive deeper into these techniques by joining our FREE Sales Script Training Masterclass 👉 http://go.tomjackobs.com/script-training. Discover how to craft irresistible sales scripts and elevate your pitch game. 

Tom Jackobs

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