
Three Keys To Success 

 October 5, 2016

By  Tom Jackobs


key-to-successThis week we’re talking about my three Cs that are keys to success. Everybody has something, right? This is my little, new framework that I just came up with, and I think it’s something to live by. Oftentimes, out of struggle comes some realizations, and I want to share those realizations with you and a framework that has helped me get through some difficult situations.

The first C is Commitment. Make a commitment for a certain outcome. That commitment can be to somebody else or to yourself. Let’s just say that commitment is to grow gross revenue by 20% over the next six months. That a very, very doable commitment. It’s a goal. I’m going to be committed to doing this outcome no matter what.

The second C is Consistency. That is, doing what you need to do to reach that commitment. A lot of times, I know I’m guilty of doing this, is you’ll start off strong and you’ll be gung-ho on it for a week or two, but after a while, it trails off. If you ever get into the situation where you’ve stopped doing something consistently to produce certain results, it’s hard to get back into it. It’s like exercise for a lot of people. They stop for a week, and then it’s like, “I don’t want to go to the gym. I don’t want to do my exercise”, or what have you. It perpetuates the failure because you need to do activity consistently to get to that commitment. Just make sure that you’re doing it consistently to get to the result that you want and ultimately deserve.

The third C, and probably the most important, is Coaching. A lot of times we just don’t see the tree for the forest that’s in front of us. Having a coach helps you see everything that is in front of you. A coach can keep you accountable to the consistency to follow through on your commitments. I have my own coach, and she is just absolutely phenomenal at what she does and helps me along my way. I also coach people through their business as well.

If you’re interested in having me as your coach, please just go to TomJackobs.com, fill out a strategy form. Just send me an email, Tom@TomJackobs.com. I would love to talk to you about what your commitments are going forward and how you can consistently do the things necessary to get you your results.

Tom Jackobs

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