
How To Train Your Sales Staff 

 August 23, 2018

By  Tom Jackobs

You can’t always be the only salesperson in your organization. As you grow, you’re going to need to have other people to sell for you. For some entrepreneurs this can be a scary proposition.


“How do I train somebody to sell as well as myself?”

You have to believe that sales is a process. It is scripted, it is a process, and anyone can do it.

In fact, if I can do it, anyone can because I absolutely hated selling early in my career.  Once I got a system and a process in place, it became very, very easy.

However just because you have the system and the scripting don’t expect your employees to do it and to do it right. You have to role play and you have to make it easy for them to be successful.

Sales Scripting:  Make sure that it’s in a book. You train them on them, you go through the role play, have them work out different situations with you and keep refreshing. Always, always, always, do a debrief for any live sales conversations. This will get them thinking about what they did great, and what they could be improving on as well.  Plus you as their manager can see where they may need to improve.

Not only that, but make sure that sales process is printed out and in front of the sales person even during the sales conversation.

For every sale, I always like to print out the order of the sales questions I’m going to ask and all of the scripting. Everything is right there so it’s very easy to follow the process.

I had an employee in my fitness business, who I wanted to take over sales. And she said, “I don’t really want to do the sales because it’s difficult for me.”

What we did was go through the process, we role played, and still she was a little hesitant to do the sales process, but having that process in place made it very easy for her.  She just went through it, and actually she had a better closing rate than I did!

This reinforced in my mind that anyone can do sales, even if they don’t feel like they’re a sales person. Make sure you have that process down, make it easy on your employees, role play, role play, role play.

Your employees might be a better salesperson than you, and isn’t that amazing? Now you’ve cloned a bunch of really good salespeople and then your business is really going to take off.

Does this seem like something you can implement in your business? Please post a comment below, I’d love to hear from you.

These blog posts are based on my IMPACT Sales System designed to double your sales in 90 days.  If you’d like to speak with me personally on how to create an Impact in your business please schedule a free consulting call here: www.TomJackobs.com/strategy

Tom Jackobs

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