
How to increase your network 

 February 8, 2018

By  Tom Jackobs

If you have looked at your network and it is not what you’d hoped, don’t be alarmed! You can take steps to increase the quality of your network starting now.

Here are three easy steps:

  1. Number one is reaching out to your friends and family. Now this might seem like a no-brainer, but I am always amazed at how many people refuse to do this, or just don’t even think about it. They think, “Well, why would I sell my service to my friends and family?” That’s exactly the wrong way of looking at it. You’re not selling to your network. You’re asking them for more connections, because ultimately, that’s how they can help you out, is by suggesting other people that may need your help.

This is a really quick script that you could use to get your friends and family to refer other people to you. You could go up to them and say, “Hey Bob, good to see Uncle Bob.” Let’s just call him uncle Bob, “Good to see you again. Hey, did you know that I’ve started XYZ business, and what I’m looking for are people that have ABC problem. Do you know of anybody offhand that might need this type of solution?” He might say, “Well, no.” Or, he might say, “Yeah, I know five people.” “Well great, do you mind introducing them to me?”

Some people will feel comfortable just giving over their names, and email addresses, and phone numbers to you. That’s fine. But most people are going to be a little protective of that, so make sure you ask for permission before contacting those folks. Or what’s even better, is when you get a warm contact between your relatives, your friend, your family, whomever it might be, to that person. That’s even better. That’s one way, is asking your friends and family for connections.

  1. Number two is offering value to people that you see on a regular basis. If you know that this person is your ideal customer, then this is a perfect opportunity to offer them value. Give them something that shows that what you have to offer, that they would actually be paying for, is the real thing, and that you’re not just after their money. Give them something of value. Maybe give them a free meal that you’ve created, a special report. Give them an hour of your time to do XYZ, a tour, something that shows value of what you do. So when they start thinking about, “Well, I need to hire somebody to do this for me,” you’re the first person that I think about. So showing value to those connections that you are making. That goes a long way. It’s the whole givers gain mentality.
  1. Number three, the best way to get more connections, and build your business is to create some type of seminar, meetup group. Something that puts you in front of a group of people. I love meet up. I think that’s a great opportunity to get like-minded people together. There’s two ways that you can do this. One, is create your own meetup, so that maybe once a month, every other week, you start to build the continuity of bringing people together, and educating them. Or sharing ideas amongst each other, with the ultimate hope that you’re providing value, so that they will, at some point, hire you for what it is that you offer.

The second is to actually go out, and find other meetups that are in your area, and offer the organizer your services, your expertise, and go talk to that meetup group. Find out when they’re meeting. Or just go there and network, and get to know the people that are in your demographic. There’s meters for everything out there. It’s pretty incredible. Let’s say that you’re a pet sitter, and you want to go and meet pet owners, what a great place to go, than a meetup that’s for pet lovers. That’s play date, go rent a dog, and there you go, you’re meeting lots of different pet owners at that event.

Send me an email at TOM@TOMJACKOBS.COM and let’s chat about any questions about your business and how I might be able to help you increase your network.

Tom Jackobs

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