Hi, I'm Tom Jackobs, "The Impact Pilot".

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Speaking Is The Best Way To Build Your Business

Whether you are an established speaker wanting to sell more from your talks or you're interested in starting to speak from the stage or in front of the camera, I'm here to help you grow so you can help more people and live the life you have always dreamed of.

I've experienced the power of public speaking, but I needed to understand the nuances that were involved in turning that talk into profits.

I figured out the process and sold more than $20 million of health and wellness programs in my career, primarily through small group workshops, telling really great stories, relating teaching moments, and asking for the sale.

This is the foundation of my P3 Method, taking your Presentation, to a Performance, so you have more Profits.

My workbook below will take you through the elements of creating your own personal stories which will be the cornerstone for delivering a truly memorable talk.

When you can have your audience laugh or cry... you WILL sell more.

How would you like to sell $25,000 or more during one speaking engagement? 


My story really captures the audience now!

Andreya Tornes - Fitness Professional

Tom did an excellent job of taking a story of mine in making into an amazing speech. He was able to help me with the outline and give me an excellent opening statement. He then got into the details of what would grab the audiences attention. He coached me all the way through until I felt confident that my speech would be awesome. I would recommend Tom to help with anyone who is interested in crafting an amazing motivational or professional speech.

It's Time To Share Your Message

Using The Power Of Your Personal Story

Discover the 5 Step Blueprint For Creating Your Personal Story To Inspire Any Audience.
